Poll Everywhere (Recording)
Augustana's Poll Everywhere site license enables us to integrate Poll Everywhere with Canvas.
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Open discussion on teaching during Viking Flex. Do you find yourself saying, "There has to be a better way?" "How are other faculty solving this?" Faculty shared what wasn't working and what was working.
Canvas: What We've Learned
Sharon Gray, Cheryl Swanson, Jay Kahl and Lisa Brunick led a panel discussion on the implementation of Canvas in Fall 2020. They were joined by the departmental Canvas experts to highlight features, answer questions and gather feedback.
Course Design Fellowship (CDF) J-Term Cohort
Advising as a Form of Teaching (Nitz, O’Hara, Streufert) (Recording)
Conversation about advising as teaching. Advising can mean many things from helping students register to helping them seek their lifelong vocation. Faculty shared their experiences and exchanged ideas with their colleagues.
Facilitating Helpful Peer Feedback on Papers, Projects & Presentations Workshop (Rives-East and Irvine (Recording)
This workshop provided ideas and exercises that faculty could use to make sure that peer editing or feedback sessions - whether for writing or presentations - is productive and helpful for students. We discussed the benefits and challenges of student peer review and consider some solutions--gleaned from faculty experience--to those potential challenges. Participants left with some concrete strategies they can implement in their courses immediately and in future iterations of their courses.
- Round Robin Workshop
- Peer Review Guide
From Angora to Zambia: A Conversation Among Colleagues About Teaching When You're Somewhere Else in the Wide World (Ogdie, Nitz, Hicks, Cabrera, O’Hara) When You Come Home from Studying Abroad
Being Aware of Your Biases & Blind Spots (Cabrera, O’Hara, Capers)